- Capital Expediture by Local Education Authorities. 210 words c203
- Salaries of Irish School Teachers. 230 words cc203-4
- Scottish Valuation Bill—Date of Introduction. 40 words c204
- Telegraphists and Clerical Duties. 131 words cc204-5
- Pay of Established Chargemen of Labourers in Portsmouth Dockyard. 173 words c205
- Arterial Drainage Commission—Issue of Appendix to Report. 71 words c205
- Foreign Legislation on Gambling in in Options and Futures. 156 words cc205-6
- Vaccination Bill—Compensation to Vaccination Officers. 57 words c206
- The National Physical Laboratory Inquiry Committee. 143 words cc206-7
- Payment of Income-tax by Co-operative Trading Societies. 263 words