HC Deb 02 May 1907 vol 173 cc1086-7

Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON reported from the Committee of Selection that they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee A: Mr. Harold Cox and Mr. Theodore Taylor; and had appointed in substitution: Dr. Shipman and Mr. Ridsdale.

Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee that they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee B: Sir John Baker; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Theodore Taylor.

Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee that they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee B (in respect of the Land Law (Ireland) Acts Amendment Bill): Mr. Fetherstonhaugh; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Land Law (Ireland) Acts Amendment Bill): Mr. Moore.

Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee that they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee C (in respect of the Patents and Designs Bill): Mr. Maddison, Mr. Alden, Sir John Benn, and Mr. Hart Davies; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Patents and Designs Bill); Mr. John Ward, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Brunner, and Mr. Mond.

Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee that they had added to the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill): Mr. Seddon, Mr. Vivian, Mr. Brace, Mr. Hugh Law, Mr. McHugh, Mr. M'Killop, Mr. James Mason, Viscount Helmsley, Colonel Kenyon-Slaney, Mr. Abel Smith, Sir Samuel Scott, Mr. Long, Sir Frederick Banbury, Mr. Lambton, and Captain Balfour.

Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee that they had added to the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Liquor Traffic (Local Option) (Scotland) Bill): Mr. Thomas Richards, Sir Walter Nugent, Mr. Sheehy, Mr. Boland, Mr. Leif Jones, Mr. Sherwell, Mr. Charles Roberts, Mr. Nield, Captain Faber, Mr. Ratcliff, Viscount Castlereagh, Mr. Remnant, Captain Craig, Mr. Meysey-Thompson, and Mr. Watson Rutherford.

Reports to lie upon the Table.

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