HC Deb 01 May 1907 vol 173 c876

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether, of the £31,633,776 estates in the hands of the Estates Commissioners on 16th February last, there are a sufficient number so far advanced as regards title to absorb the whole of the £371,628 now lying to the credit of the Estates Commissioners and bearing no interest; and, if so, whether he will explain the non-payment out immediately of this ready money.


The Estates Commissioners inform me that in all cases advances are made as soon as the necessary preliminary steps have been completed. There are, at all times, some cases which, though ripe for advances so far as title is concerned, are not ready in other respects; but as soon as a case is completed in every respect the advance is made.


asked the right hon. Gentleman if he would, in the interests of both tenants and landlord, press on the payment for estates out of the £371,628 now in hand and bearing no interest?


Nothing distresses me more than the delay that occurs in the completion of these matters, and I am using even now more than my powers to endeavour to accelerate things in every possible respect.