HC Deb 01 May 1907 vol 173 cc880-1
SIR BERKELEY SHEFFIELD (Lincolnshire, Brigg)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has received police information to the effect that Mr. Smith, of Colmanstown, county Galway, was recently ordered by some neighbouring tenants to surrender his farm for distribution amongst them; that, on his refusing to do so, they proceeded to intimidate his steward, but without effect; that on 15th March a moonlighting gang visited the steward's residence and fired six gunshots into his apartments; will he say whether any arrests followed this attack; and, if so, with what result.


I am informed by the police authorities that Mr. Smith was visited by a deputation, who asked him whether he would sell his farm for distribution among the neighbouring tenants, and he replied in the negative. Subsequently, on the night of 15th March, several shots were fired through the windows of his steward's house. The police have made every effort to discover the offenders, but so far without success. No arrests have consequently been made.


As regards this Question, Sir, may I ask you whether hon. Members are entitled to utilise the Order Book of the House of Commons for the purpose of maligning and defaming the character of the Irish people?


Any hon. Member who puts down a Question makes himself responsible for his belief in the facts in the Question. I cannot say that this Question is not in order.

MR. T. L. CORBETT (Down, N.)

I would appeal to you, Sir, to ask the hon. and gallant Member to withdraw the expression that a Question of this kind is put down by an hon. Member for the purpose of maligning and defaming his fellow-countrymen.

MR. MOORE (Armagh, N.)

I wish to know, Sir, whether it is in order for the hon. and gallant. Member to attribute motives to other Members of the House?


It is not in order for an hon. Member to attribute motives to other Members of the House.


I should like to ask you, Sir, whether any hon. Member of this House honestly believes that these Questions are put down for the purpose of eliciting information.


That is a matter of opinion. It is a fundamental rule of the House that an hon. Member must not attribute bad motives to other hon. Members.


I would ask you, Sir, to request the hon. and gallant Member to withdraw the expression that these Questions are put down for the purpose of maligning and defaming the character of the Irish people. It is most offensive.


I have ruled that the expression is out of order, and I have no doubt the hon. and gallant Member will withdraw it.


Out of respect for you, Sir, I will withdraw the expression. I am sorry I have hit hon. Members above the gangway so very hard.