HC Deb 26 March 1907 vol 171 c1652
MR. W. R. REA (Scarborough)

To ask the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been called to the custom of certain workhouse authorities not to liberate the inmates of casual wards until late in the morning following the second night of their sojourn; and whether he will take steps to put an end to the practice, with a view to facilitating the inmates' securing work elsewhere.


An order of the Local Government Board issued in 1892 requires that a casual pauper, who has been detained for more than one night, and who represents that he is desirous of seeking work, shall be allowed to discharge himself at half-past five in the morning in the summer, and at half-past six in the winter, provided that whilst in the casual ward he has performed the prescribed task of work to the best of his ability. I am not aware of cases of failure on the part of workhouse officers to comply with this requirement, but if any instance of the kind is brought to my knowledge I will give attention to it.


Is there any idea of carrying out the suggestions of the Committee recently appointed in regard to this matter?


I suppose the hon. Member refers to the Committee on Labour Tests. The Local Government Board and the Home Office are considering that Report. It has not been before us very long.