HC Deb 22 March 1907 vol 171 c1288

To ask the Secretary of State for War if he can make any statement with regard to the training of artillery militia; what provisions are to be made for artillery practice this year; whether they are to receive musketry training in lieu of gunnery; or whether it is the intention that no practical training at all is to be given to these troops in the use of either gun or rifle.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The training of artillery militia will be of an exceptional nature during the present year, as most of the force is no longer required to fulfil its present role of garrison artillery, and the nature of the duties which it will be asked to undertake in future cannot yet be precisely determined. There will be no gun practice except for those units in Ireland which will still be required to act as Coast Defence Artillery. Where movable, or what is now termed land front, armament is available, units will receive training with such guns, but where such armament is not available, General Officers Commanding will determine what the course of training is to be, and this course may include musketry.