HC Deb 21 March 1907 vol 171 c848

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any representations have been made, or can properly be made, to the Russian Government respecting the duty levied on Indian tea of upwards of 200 per cent. ad valorem, but for the excessive nature of which an important trade in Indian teas could be done with the Russian Empire.


Representations on this subject were made to the Russian Government in September, 1905, but, as the hon. Member for Central Hull was informed on the 22nd March last,†they led to no result. His Majesty's Government do not propose to pursue the subject any further.


Can the hon. Gentleman tell us the effect of the duty or the quantity of tea imported into Russia?


I am afraid I cannot say the precise effect, but I am informed that the quantity of Indian tea imported into Russia has gone up considerably in the last twelve months.


Would not this be a favourable opportunity to approach the Russian Government on the subject?

MR. HAROLD COX (Preston)

Was not the imposition of these high duties by Russia by way of retaliation for the sugar bounties?

[No Answer was returned.]

†See (4) Debates, cliv., 618.