HC Deb 21 March 1907 vol 171 cc832-3
SIR PHILIP MUNTZ (Warwickshire, Tamworth)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury, what are the exact terms of reference to the Treasury Committee recently appointed to inquire into the administration and conduct of the National Physical Laboratory.

(Answered by Mr. Runciman). The Committee was appointed "to inquire generally into the work now performed at the National Physical Laboratory, with special reference to—(1) the character of the mechanical, physical, and chemical tests undertaken there; (2) the possibility of their interfering unduly with the business of other agencies; (3) the desirability of publishing the results of all such testing work; and to report (1) whether having regard to the industrial interests of the country generally and to those of private agencies, any change is desirable in the scope of the work of the laboratory; and (2) on what lines any further development of its business should proceed."


To ask the Secretary to the Treasury, whether the Treasury Committee recently appointed to inquire into the administration and conduct of the National Physical Laboratory was appointed by the Treasury or by any body or society other than the Treasury; and, if so, by what body or society.


To ask the Secretary to the Treasury, whether any of the members of the Treasury Committee recently appointed to inquire into the administration and conduct of the National Physical Laboratory were appointed after consultation with, and at the suggestion of, any person connected with the National Physical Laboratory, either as a member of the Committee of that body or of the staff of the National Physical Laboratory.

(Answered by Mr. Runciman). I think the hon. Baronet will find an Answer to these two Questions in the reply which I gave to the hon. Member for Ealing on the 7th instant.†