HC Deb 21 March 1907 vol 171 c824
MR. BURNYEAT (Whitehaven)

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether his attention has been called to the frequent breakdown of motor omnibuses passing along congested routes such as the Strand and Fleet Street; and whether, seeing that the consequent obstruction of the highway is of serious import to all classes of traffic, he proposes to enforce more stringently any existing regulations, or to make fresh regulations dealing with the matter.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Gladstone.) Motor-omnibuses, like all other forms of motor vehicles, occasionally break down, and no regulations can prevent this. The companies concerned endeavour to minimise the resulting obstruction by employing travelling engineers to remedy defects expeditiously. The omnibuses are carefully inspected before being licensed, and there is no reason to believe that fresh regulations are called for. As machinery improves, breakdowns are likely to become less frequent.