HC Deb 19 March 1907 vol 171 c667

On behalf of the hon. Member for the Tiverton Division, I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works how many trees have been lopped and cut down, respectively, in Kensington Gardens during the present financial year; what sums of money have been received for the timber; and how many new park trees have been planted.

THE FIRST COMMISSIONER OF WORKS (Mr. Harcourt,) Lancashire, Rossendale

The trees lopped number 374, and eleven have been cut down. The amount received to date is £67 12s. There is, however, a large quantity of wood at present unsold. No trees have yet been planted in Kensington Gardens this year, but I hope to plant some there this autumn.


asked whether the branches had been burned. Could they not have been given to the poor?


Yes, Sir; and before Christmas notices were put up that the poor would be allowed to remove any of the smaller wood that would be of use to them, and orders were given that no wood should be burned before 1st March. I am sorry to say that the poor did not avail themselves of that opportunity, probably owing to the wood being in a green state.