HC Deb 19 March 1907 vol 171 cc675-6
MR. COURTHOPE (Sussex, Rye)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the boycotting of Mr. Thomas E. Taylor, of Blacklion, county Cavan, which was discontinued about 20th February last, was resumed with additional severity on Monday, 4th March; whether this boycotting still continues; and what steps are being taken to deal with the case.

MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.)

Before the right hon. Gentleman answers, may I ask if his attention has been called to the fact that according to the last Returns there were only seventy-three indictable offences in county Cavan and 336 non-indictable offences, whereas in the county of Sussex there were in the same period 1,540 indictable offences and 7,282 non-indictable offences. And I would ask whether it is decent for the hon. Gentleman, in view of the fact that his county shows twenty times as many indictable offences—


Order, order.

VISCOUNT TURNOUR (Sussex, Horsham)

How do the two counties compare for population?


I propose to answer the Question on the Paper. I am informed by the police authorities that it is not the case that the boycotting of Mr. Taylor has been resumed with additional severity. Two or three persons have refused to supply him with goods, but he has no difficulty in obtaining supplies from others in the locality, or in disposing of his produce. In the circumstances, no action has been called for, but the police will, of course, afford to Mr. Taylor any protection which may become necessary to secure the exercise of his legal rights.