HC Deb 18 March 1907 vol 171 c453

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether officers in the Army are charged 30s. per annum for the hire of barrack furniture that costs the Government £14 7s. 3d., the officers having to pay for any repairs necessary; whether at the end of nine and a half years, when the full value of the furniture has been paid by officers, it remains the property of the Government; and, if so, will the Government consider the desirability of readjusting the terms of hire of furniture so as not to make any money profit thereby.


In the case of company officers the rent-charge of 30s. is correct, and the average cost of the furniture supplied is about £15. Damages due to fair wear and tear are made good by the State. The furniture remains the property of the State. As the rent-charge includes repairs and replacements, and operates by way of a sinking fund, it is held that no profit is made by the State. Further it would not appear excessive for an officer to pay 5s. a month for the furnishing of his mess and quarters.