HC Deb 14 March 1907 vol 171 cc254-6
MR. A. J. BALFOUR (City of London)

Will the Leader of the House say how he proposes to allocate the time up to Easter?


said it was proposed on Monday to introduce the Patents Bill under the ten minutes rule. They would then take the Ways and Means Report and the introduction of the Consolidated Fund Bill, if they did not obtain these that night, as he hoped. The next business would be the introduction of the Small Landowners (Scotland) Bill, the second reading of the Butter Bill, the Post Office Sites Bill, Probation of Offenders Bill, Released Prisoners Bill, and others. These, he thought, were mostly agreed measures. On Tuesday they would take the second reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill. On Wednesday they would make certain proposals as to the alteration of the rules of procedure, and take the Committee on the Consolidated Fund Bill. On Thursday it was proposed to move the Speaker out of the Chair on Civil Service Estimates, and take the third reading on the Consolidated Fund Bill. The business in the following week would depend a little on circumstances, but he hoped that the Motion for the rising of the House for the Easter recess might be made on Wednesday, the 27th inst. He would propose that the House should reassemble on Monday, April 8th. [Cries of "Tuesday."]


pointed out that it had been customary to give a whole day to the discussion of the second reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill, whereas only half a day would be available for Government business on Tuesday. That was, he thought, rather a violent change, and he hoped the right hon. Gentleman would reconsider the matter. He believed it was also asking the House to exceed their practice to grant the third reading of that Bill and get the Speaker out of the Chair on Civil Service Estimates on the same day.


said the pressure next week arose from the fact that they must get the third reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill by Thursday next.


said he was surprised at that, as he would have thought that Monday week would be soon enough. If the Ways and Means Report were passed that night, could not the right hon. Gentleman give a whole day to the second reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill?


said he did not wish to make any tyranical use of the power of the Government, and he would consider the point. But they must get the Third Reading of the Bill by Thursday next, as the Royal Assent Could not be obtained quite so easily just now, for reasons of which they were all aware.

MR. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN (Worcestershire, E.)

Why is it necessary to get the Third Reading next Thursday?


There are reasons we all know of in connection with getting the Royal Assent.

MR. STANLEY WILSON (E. R., Holderness) Yorkshire,

asked the right hon. Gentleman whether he would inform the House during the next fortnight what he was going to do with the House of Lords.


said it did not rest with him to do anything with the House of Lords. He did not know that the actual course to be taken by the Government would be announced before Easter, but it was pretty well known what that course would be.


asked when the Government proposed to take the Second Reading of the Special Religious Instruction Bill.


said it would be taken before Easter if the other Bills he had mentioned were disposed of in time.