HC Deb 13 March 1907 vol 171 c41
SIR J. JARDINE (Roxburghshire)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland if any action has been taken on the recommendation of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tweed Fishery Acts that persons claiming exclusive rights to fishing in parts of the rivers and streams should be called on to prove their title by production of charters or other muniments.


In the years 1896 and 1897 some investigation was made by the Commissioners of Woods into some of the titles to salmon fishings in the River Tweed as to which there seemed to be a doubt. The investigation, as far as it was carried, did not warrant claims being made by the Crown, and having regard to the probable value of the fishings as to which further information was desired and the expense which further investigation would have involved it was considered undesirable to press the inquiry further at the time.