§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON reported from the Committee of Selection; that they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee A (added in respect of the Leeds (South Parade Chapel) Charity, the Kingswood (Whitfield Tabernacle, Schoolroom, &c.) Charity, the Longton (Caroline Street Chapel) Charity, and the Board of Education (Hulme Trust Estates Educational) Confirmation Bill): MR. Lough; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the said Bills): MR. McKenna.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee B (added in respect of the Criminal Appeal Bill): MR. Silcock; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Criminal Appeal Bill): MR. Atherley Jones.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee C (in respect of the Small Holdings and Allotments Bill): Sir John Benn, Major McMicking, MR. Munro Ferguson, and MR. Whitehead; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Small Holdings and Allotments Bill): Sir John Bethel), MR. Guest, MR. Wedgwood, and MR Soares.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.