HC Deb 19 June 1907 vol 176 cc443-4
MR. GINNELL (Westmeath, N.)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he will ascertain and state the entire financial loss under all heads in connection with land purchase in Ireland from 1st November, 1903, to the latest date for which figures are available, the amount of this directly connected with tenanted and with un-tenanted land, respectively, so far as ascertainable, and where not ascertainable, the respective proportional or estimated amounts.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) As regards the first part of the Question I must refer the hon. Member to the Answer given him on the 2nd ultimo by my hon. friend the Secretary to the Treasury. † To the total there shown must be added the sum of £102,000 drawn from the Ireland Develop- †See (4) Debates, clxxiii., 1041–2. ment Grant to make good the deficiencies on the income account of the Irish Land Purchase Fund up to 31st March, 1906, as shown in another Answer of my hon. friend's of the same date to the hon. Member for Newry.‡In the opinion of the Estates Commissioners and the Irish Government it would be quite impracticable to apportion the losses as between tenanted and untenanted land.