§ * MR. FINDLAY (Lanarkshire, N.E.)I beg to ask the Prime Minister whether he is aware of the damage that is being done to dwelling houses and public property in certain industrial centres in Lanarkshire by underground workings, causing much loss to feuars, who in many cases own their homes, and involving risk of life to others; and whether, in view of the situation thus created, he will undertake to give facilities so that the Feus and Building Leases (Scotland) Bill at present before Parliament, which seeks to give more equitable conditions to the individuals and communities who at present suffer from damages by mineral workings, may become law during this session.
§ SIR H. CAMPBELL-BANNERMANI regret the unfortunate situation in which the feuars are placed, but at this period of the session it is impossible to ask the House to deal with it.
§ MR. FINDLAYMay I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he would not think it desirable to appoint a Select Committee (as in 1893) to inquire into the working of the law in Scotland relating to feus and leases for buildings, including the casualties payable to the superior and the conditions frequently inserted in feu charters and leases for
† See (4) Debates, clxxv., 837–9178 building, and the titles under which the superior claims those powers; and to consider whether any, and if any what, amendment of the law is required?
§ SIR H. CAMPBELL-BANNERMANI am well aware what a complicated question this is, and how many grievances and anomalies it presents. I will consider whether a Select Committee should be appointed to inquire into the subject.