§ MR. LAURENCE HARDY (Kent, Ashford)I beg to ask the hon. Baronet representing the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that a very serious outbreak of gooseberry mildew has occurred in Worcestershire, and whether, in view of the fact that there are not sufficient legal powers in the hands of any authority to deal effectively with the matter, he will pass through the House with the utmost speed the Destructive Insects and Pests Bill, which is awaiting the Second Reading.
§ THE TREASURER OF THE HOUSEHOLD (SIR EDWARD STRACHEY, Somersetshire, E.)We are aware of the regrettable outbreak of this disease in Worcestershire, and we are most anxious to obtain the passage as soon as possible of the Bill which has been introduced with the object of giving further powers to the Board and to local authorities to deal with such diseases. A Memorandum explanatory of the provisions of the Bill has been laid upon the Table for the convenience of Members. If there is general agreement in favour of the Bill I hope it may be possible to pass it through the remaining stages without delay as an unopposed measure, as the matter is one of great urgency.
§ MR. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAINIn view of the great damage being done, cannot the Government undertake to find a little time for this Bill?
§ SIR EDWARD STRACHEYIf it is so urgent there ought to be no difficulty in reading it a second time and sending it upstairs at once.