HC Deb 14 June 1907 vol 176 cc9-10

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland when a junior assistant mistress is recognised during the currency of a quarter, and where from the date of her recognition the attendance averages the prescribed limit of thirty-five, do the National Education Commissioners pay the mistress £6 per quarter for the period subsequent to her recognition in the same quarter.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) In every school with an average attendance of from thirty-five to fifty pupils the payment to a recognised junior assistant mistress is at the rate of £6 a quarter.


To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord - Lieutenant of Ireland do the Commissioners of National Education pay a junior assistant mistress full salary when, by reason of an epidemic in the district, the attendance falls below thirty-five.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) In cases in which the appointment of a junior assistant mistress has been sanctioned by the Commissioners in a school with an average attendance of thirty-five or upwards the grant is not withdrawn until the end of two consecutive quarters of insufficient average, and, if an epidemic should have been the cause of the insufficiency, the grant may be continued exceptionally for a further period not exceeding two quarters. Junior assistant mistresses are also recognised and paid full salary even if the average is under thirty - five, provided that the school is a mixed one under a master, and that there are at least twenty girls in average attendance. If, however, the average attendance of girls is less than twenty, the junior assistant mistress is paid a capitation rate on the number of girls in actual average attendance in each quarter.