HC Deb 31 July 1907 vol 179 c965
MR. HUGH LAW (Donegal, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Irish Local Government Board propose to take any steps to carry out such recommendations of the Viceregal Commission on the Poor Law as do not require legislation; and, in particular, whether it is intended to build any sanatoria for the treatment of consumption, or to adapt for the purpose any existing buildings.


If the local authorities concerned should desire that effect may be given to any particular recommmendations of the Viceregal Commission which can be carried out under the existing law, the Local Government Board will give prompt and favourable consideration to the matter. Sanatoriums for consumption can be provided under the existing law with the assent of the district councils. I may add that the Government are anxious that such administrative changes as can be now made should be undertaken without delay, and are considering what steps may be taken with that object.