HC Deb 31 July 1907 vol 179 c969

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether information has reached him of a case of cattle driving at Coolcuslough Mountain, near Killarney, on Sunday evening 21st July, when the farmer, in his efforts to protect his stock, was set upon by about twenty members of the United Irish League armed with sticks, knocked down, and otherwise assaulted; whether adequate police protection is being afforded to farmers in that neighbourhood; and, if not, will he take steps to arm famers in like circumstances for protection from such assaults.


It has been reported to the police that nine head of cattle were driven off the mountain referred to on the 21st instant, and that two of the owners of the cattle were assaulted. The police are informed that, with the exception of one of the owners, none of the persons concerned are members of the United Irish League. The case had no connection with the agitation against the grazing system. Up to the present there has been no necessity for giving police protection to farmers in this district, but if occasion should arise full protection will be afforded.


If the outrage was not due to the grazing agitation, what was the motive for it?


I have information which I do not think I am justified in giving, but the police are satisfied there are other causes. Generally speaking the district is of a peaceable character.