HC Deb 31 July 1907 vol 179 cc954-5
MR. J. D. WHITE (Dumbartonshire)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade, in view of the fact that the customs duties collected in Canada on imports from the United Kingdom amounted in the year 1905–6 to more than £2,500,000, and that the customs duties collected in the Australian Commonwealth on imports from the United Kingdom amounted in 1906 to about £3,750,000, if he can say approximately what were the amounts of the duties collected in the United Kingdom on imports from Canada and the Australian Commonwealth respectively during the last financial year; and, if not, whether he will consider the advisability of obtaining such statistics as will show approximately the amount of the duties which are levied this year and in future years in the United Kingdom on goods imported from the various self-governing Colonies and from India.


I must refer my hon. friend to the reply I gave to a Question put by him on the 30th April.† I am advised by the Commissioners of Customs that the results to be obtained from a compilation of the statistics to which he refers would not warrant the expenditure which would be involved. I hope, however, that the matter will be considered in the course of the autumn by the Committee for the revision of the Trade Accounts.