HC Deb 30 July 1907 vol 179 c749

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that a circular letter was issued by the Board of Admiralty in December, 1904, at the time of the redistribution of the fleets, ordering that not more than two battleships were to be absent from the Channel Fleet for the purpose of refit or of visiting their home port for leave; whether he is aware that in March, 1905, it was followed by a memorandum from the First Lord of the Admiralty stating that orders have been given that, as a rule, not more than one large vessel of a fleet or squadron is to be under repair in dockyard hands at one time, so as to insure the various fleets being kept always at their effective strength and ready for instant service; and whether the fact that as many as three or four battleships have been absent this year for many days from the present Channel Fleet indicates that the policy of previous years has been abandoned.


The reply to the first two Questions is in the affirmative. The reply to the third Question is in the negative; but, in applying the policy, the Admiralty must exercise their discretion according to the necessities of the public service for the time being.