HC Deb 30 July 1907 vol 179 c778
Sir HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury if a decision has yet been arrived at concerning the recommendation that Parliamentary Reports should be published, as in America, in handy octavo volumes by subjects, instead of the unwieldy tomes now in vogue; and if, having regard to the desirability of securing general study of the discussion on preferential trade in the Imperial Conference, a beginning can be made with its issue in cheap form instead of in the 56-ounce 5s. book with which it is now incorporated.


I regret that I am unable at present to add anything to the reply which I made to a similar Question from the hon. Member on the 20th June. †


How much longer are we to wait? This has been going on a year or more.


I am afraid I cannot make any announcement. So many authorities have to be consulted.