HC Deb 29 July 1907 vol 179 c489
MR. MEEHAN (Queen's County, Leix)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the resolution passed unanimously at a conference of Catholic Poor Law guardians, held at Liverpool, appealing to the President of the Local Government Board to take steps to remedy the existing law by which boards of guardians can give away Catholic children to non-Catholic foster-parents, and thus deprive them of the opportunities of practising their religious duties; and can he say what action he intends taking to remedy this grievance.


I have received a copy of the resolution referred to. I am not sure what the precise class of cases is which had led to the passing of the resolution, and I am making inquiry on the subject. Where a child is boarded out by the guardians, whether within or without the union, the regulations require that the foster-parent shall be of the same religious creed as that to which the child belongs.