HC Deb 23 July 1907 vol 178 cc1312-3
Mr. J. D WHITE (Dumbartonshire)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will state what was the number of emigrants sailing from Scottish ports during the first six months of the present year, distinguishing, as far as possible, emigrants of Scottish nationality from emigrants of other nationalities passing through Scotland.

(Answered by MR. Lloyd-George.) The particulars: asked for by my hon. friend are as follows:—

whether he will grant a statement showing the annual allowances, apart from travelling and subsistence allowances, in London, at home and abroad, permitted to each rank in the clerical staffs of the Royal Ordnance Factories of the War Office and the Army Accounts Department, and the conditions under which these allowances are granted.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The information is as follows:—As regards the clerical staff of the ordnance factories no allowances are granted other than travelling and subsistence; in the event of a member of that staff going abroad on duty a special rate would no doubt be fixed. As regards the Army Accounts Departments, it is presumed that this Question refers to the directing staff only. Under normal conditions, no member of the directing staff of the

Accountant. First-class assistants. Second-class assistants.
£ £ £
Cape Town 200 150
other stations in South Africa 300 † 220 150
Malta 100 50
Straits Settlements 100
Ceylon 150
Bermuda- 100
Mauritius 100
Jamaica 100
† Personal to the present holder of the appointment.

The allowance is issuable from the date of arrival in the command till the date of departure, and one-half is admissible during the official's absence from the command on ordinary leave.