SIR GILBERT PARKERI beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether in granting responsible Government to the Transvaal, any stipulation or arrangement was made with the incoming Government concerning the position of British civil servants who had done duty under the old Government; and if he can state how many resident magistrates and assistant resident magistrates have been summarily retrenched or removed from the service since the present Government came into power.
§ MR. CHURCHILLThe pension rights of officials transferred to the service of the Transvaal from pensionable service
† See (4) Debates, clxxvii, 14231351 in this country or other Colonies were secured by legislation, but no general arrangement was made with regard to civil establishments, the regulation of which must, in accordance with established usage and the necessities of the case, rest with the Government which is responsible to the legislature of the Colony. I am aware that several magistrates have been retrenched lately, but I have not detailed information on the subject.
SIR GILBERT PARKERreminded the right hon. Gentleman of the statement made by him when the Bill was introduced to the effect that every effort would be made to secure fair and equitable treatment for these officials from the Transvaal Government.
§ MR. CHURCHILLsaid it was his desire to secure fair and equitable treatment everywhere, but His Majesty's Government could not interfere with the discretion of the Government of a self-governing Colony upon a matter falling exclusively under the control of that Government.
SIR GILBERT PARKERBut this statement was made preliminary to the grant of the responsible Government.