§ MR. CLYNES (Manchester, N.E.)I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the numerous cases of drunkenness, disturbance, and other evils in which pensioners were concerned following last Army pension day; whether he has observed that many of these evils are attributed to the present system of paying pensions; whether regulations would permit pension money to be paid in smaller but more frequent sums, so that the money might be better used; and, if so, whether he can take early action to institute more regular payment of these pensions.
§ MR. BUCHANANI believe that such cases do sometimes occur after the quarterly pay-day, and it has been represented that some benefit may be derived from the payment of pensions in smaller sums at more frequent intervals. The question was referred to a Committee under the chairmanship of the Paymaster-General, and the Report of this Committee is now under the consideration of the Army Council.
§ MR. CROOKS (Woolwich)And men are breaking down week after week because it is too much trouble for the Army Council to issue an order. It is time some one got indignant.
§ MR. BUCHANANIt is an exceedingly important question and must have proper consideration.