HC Deb 18 July 1907 vol 178 c908
*MR. KELLEY. (Manchester, S.W.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that, by printed regulations issued prior to 1878, all men joining the Navy and Marines were promised that, subject to good character, the ordinary pensions of their rating which they might earn would receive an augmentation of 5d. per day at the age of 55, and a further augmentation subsequently; that men, having reached the age of 55, have had their applications for fulfilment of this undertaking refused on the grounds that the Admiralty have no funds at their disposal for this purpose; and what steps the Admiralty propose to take to remedy the alleged grievance.


The whole of the funds annually available for the pensions referred to in the Question is expended upon them. If my hon. friend requires further information as to these pensions, may I refer him to Command Paper 138 of Session 1892?

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