HC Deb 17 July 1907 vol 178 cc666-7
Mr. ALDEN (Middlesex, Tottenham)

To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what is the distinguishing badge worn by electricians in His Majesty's Navy; what are their special duties apart from those usually performed by leading torpedo men in ships and vessels; are candidates for these positions required to present indentures of apprenticeship to such special work; and, if not, what are the qualifications necessary.

(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) Electricians wear the distinctive gilt buttons indicative of the rating of chief petty officer, and the same distinctive cap badge as engine-room artificers, but (like engine-room artificers) they wear no distinctive badges indicative of special qualifications or duties on collar and cuff. The work of electricians is to carry out all necessary repairs to electrical apparatus. Candidates are nor required to present indentures of apprenticeship to the trade, but three years' practical experience as fitter and turner is necessary. The qualifications required are:—

Theoretical.—Knowledge of general construction of electrical apparatus, motors, etc., and of simple testing;

Practical.—Relining and adjusting bearings; using a lathe; screw-cutting test for bolt and nut; repairs to any part of electrical apparatus and instruments, motors, etc.

There is also an educational test in reading, dictation, vulgar and decimal fractions, and simple interest.