§ MR. JOYCE (Limerick)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to a case where five boxes of butter consigned from Limerick, and handed in to the Great Southern and Western Railway Company on the 5th instant, for H. Blaxland, Station Road, Chingford, 10½miles from London, were not delivered up to midday on the 11th instant; and, if so, will he cause inquiries to be made as to the delay; is he aware that such delays are constantly occurring, and that, if something is not done to stop it, this important Irish industry will be seriously injured.
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRADE (MR. LLOYD-GEORGE, Carnarvon Boroughs)I have had my attention called to this matter by a foroible letter addressed to the hon. Member by the complainant, in which he is desired to "tell the Chairman of the Board of Trade that his life is in danger unless he brings these highway robbers to book somehow." In these circumstances I need hardly add that I am causing inquiries to be made and will let the hon. Member know the result.