HC Deb 15 July 1907 vol 178 cc304-6

To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the relative strength of the Channel Fleet in 1906 as compared with the present time was in battleships seventeen to fourteen, and in armoured cruisers six to four; and whether the total force in all classes in 1906 was sixty-seven as against twenty-one in 1907.

(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) The Answer to both. Questions is in the affirmative. In the total of sixty-seven vessels belonging in 1906 to the Channel Fleet were included the "Sapphire," "Tyne," three scouts, and thirty-six destroyers, which, as I have already stated, were transferred with full crews to the Home Fleet, and are always available for exercise with the Channel Fleet, us was recently the case.


To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what length of notice would be necessary to enable the Channel Fleet to be fully manned and equipped for active service, and, if necessary, for action; and what would be the available strength in vessels of all types and in men upon an emergency summons, if issued at the present time.

(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) The Channel Fleet is now fully manned and equipped for active service, and, if necessary, for action. The available strength is shown on page 269 of the current issue of the Navy List; but the first cruiser squadron, the "New Zealand," "Triumph," and "Juno," are absent from the flag. All have full crews except the "Juno," which recommissions to-morrow, July 16th.


To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what are the names, tonnage, and engine capacity of the scouts and torpedo craft attached to and permanently incorporated with the Channel Fleet; whether all such vessels are ready for active service; and whether they or any and which of them have at any time, and, if so, when, taken part in manoœuvres as portion of the Channel Squadron or Fleet.

(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) The torpedo craft with their attendant scouts which have full crews will be found on page 270 of the Navy List; these are ready for sea and are available for service with the Channel Fleet when required. Details of torpedo craft and scouts with four-fifth crews will be found on page, 270a of the Navy List. Their tonnage and horse-power will be found in the body of the Navy List and also in the Return of Fleets. In April, four scouts, two torpedo gunboats, twelve destroyers, and one torpedo boat took part in exercises with the Channel Fleet; and in June and July, three scouts and forty destroyers were similarly employed.