HC Deb 12 July 1907 vol 178 c198
LORD R. CECIL (Marylebone, E.)

rose to move that a letter published that morning in the public Press, purporting to be signed by one of the hon. Members for St. Pancreas, constituted a breach of the privileges of the House. He asked if it would be proper to have the letter read at the Table or would it be more convenient if he read it himself.


If the noble Lord will take this course I shall be much obliged. My attention has only within the last few minutes been called to the letter to which he refers, and I do not think the hon. Member who wrote it is in his place. For the convenience of the House, therefore, it would be more suitable if the noble Lord would make his Motion on Monday when the House meets. This case would not be prejudiced in any way by the delay.


said he would certainly take that course if it was understood that the matter would be considered on Monday as if it had been considered that day.