HC Deb 08 July 1907 vol 177 c1161
SIR IVOR HERBERT (Monmouthshire, S.)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether, having regard to the inconvenience experienced by local authorities in the administration of the Public Health Acts, from the fact that the law has to be sought in a large number of public Acts, and in some cases is affected by private Acts of Parliament, he can hold out any hope of bringing in a Bill next year to consolidate all enactments bearing upon the public health and to confer equal powers in respect thereto on all local authorities.


I am afraid it would not be practicable to confer equal powers in respect of public health on all local authorities. This would involve an undue interference with special powers conferred by local Acts. Moreover, powers which might properly be conferred in respect of one district would not always be suitable to another of a different character. I realise the advantage there would be in consolidating the Public Health Acts, though I think it would probably be found necessary in the first instance to amend them in some respects. I cannot give any pledge as to legislation for next year, but I shall be glad, when opportunity offers, to take steps in the direction indicated.