§ MR. BELLAIRSI beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the Board have authorised the employment of Chinese in lieu of British stokers in any of His Majesty's ships; and, if so, under what circumstances.
§ MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONIn accordance with the custom of the Navy of filling urgent vacancies in ships on distant stations by temporary entries from the shore, the commanding officer of H.M.S. "Shearwater," West Coast of North America, was authorised on the 16th May last to employ three Chinese stokers temporarily, in vacancies caused by desertion, until their places could be filled by men sent from home. The draft sent out for this vessel is due at Esquimalt about the 11th of this month. I have reason to believe, however, that no entries were made on this occasion.
§ MR. LEA (St. Pancras, E.)Has any official of the Admiralty ever obtained the authority of this House to employ Chinamen on British ships?
§ MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONYes, it has been sanctioned by successive Parliaments.
§ MR. BELLAIRSWith regard to the ship "Shearwater," is she not the only ship along the whole West Coast of North America representing the British Empire?
§ MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONI must ask for notice of that Question.