HC Deb 04 July 1907 vol 177 c883
MR. RAWLINSON (Cambridge University)

I beg to ask MR. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether a judgment for £65,000, or some other and what sum, has been signed in favour of the Inland Revenue against a firm of I). E. Williams and Company, Limited, distillers, of Tullamore, Ireland; whether such judgment was in respect of unpaid duties on whisky, or how otherwise; whether such duties were fraudulently withheld from the Inland Revenue: whether any, and what sum has been realised in respect of such judgment; and whether such sum was received by agreement in full satisfaction of the debt, or how otherwise.


The judgment in favour of the Inland Revenue for £65,000 represented the aggregate of fines of£200 and £100 each, incurred by the firm of D. E. Williams and Company, under Sections 101 and 113 respectively of the Spirits Act, 1880, for irregularities connected with the removal of spirits under permit, and was not in respect of unpaid duties. There was no positive evidence that duties had been fraudulently with held from the Revenue. The Board of Inland Revenue have accepted £4,000 in full discharge of this debt, after satisfying themselves that it was not possible to obtain any larger amount.