HC Deb 03 July 1907 vol 177 cc709-10

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the claim of Constable William O'Halloran, Royal Irish Constabulary, for compensation for being maimed by shot while protecting Colonel Lopdell, at Rockmore, county Galway, on 9th October; whether any person was brought to justice for shooting this officer; and whether, seeing that Judge Anderson, while refusing the application, expressed the hope that an appeal would be lodged, the officer will have facilities for appealing to a higher tribunal.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a constable named O'Halloran was engaged in protecting the house of Colonel Lopdell, near Athenry, shot at on the 9th October last, grievously wounded, and maimed for life; is he aware that the Recorder of Galway has decided that O'Halloran is not entitled to compensation against the county; will he state what was O'Halloran's annual pay and emoluments at the date of the outrage; was ho then qualified for promotion; what pension is he entitled to now, and will any, and what, addition be made to his normal pension by reason of his being maimed in the discharge of his duty; and has any person been made amenable to justice for shooting Constable O'Halloran.


I will Answer these two Questions together. It is the fact that Constable O'Halloran received a gun-shot wound while on duty on 9th October last. The Recorder of Galway has decided that the constable is not entitled to compensation from the county for malicious injury. In so deciding the Recorder said that if his decision should be reversed on appeal no one would be better pleased than he, but he pointed out that his decision was based upon a judgment of the Court of Appeal in a similar case. If, however, the constable should desire to appeal the Inspector-General will permit him to do so at his own risk and expense. Three men were arrested for shooting the constable, but were discharged for want of evidence. The facts as to the constable's pay and possible pension are fully stated in my reply to a Question put by the hon. Member for North Londonderry on 16th April. † If it should be determined that ho has been incapacitated for further service, his case will receive full consideration when his pension comes to be fixed.