HC Deb 02 July 1907 vol 177 c515
Me. J. P. FARRELL (Longford, N.)

To ask the Postmaster-General why it was stated by departmental witnesses before the Select Committee of this House that a sorting clerk and telegraphist is rarely left alone in charge of an office, and that the largest number they would have to supervise is never more than three or four, when sorting clerks and telegraphist are frequently responsible for five times that number in several offices in Ireland.

(Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) The witness referred to was replying to evidence given by sorting clerks and telegraphists, and his statement that a sorting clerk and telegraphist would not often be left alone for a long time in charge of an office, and in such circum stances would not have more than three or four others to supervise, is substantially correct. It referred, of course, to the number of the indoor staff whom he would supervise. If, however, the hon. Member will specify the offices to which he refers I will have inquiry made and communicate with him further.