§ MR. HALPINI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will inquire why the salary warrants of the Irish national teachers, after being signed by the managers and certified for payment in the Education Office, are not forwarded direct to the teachers; and whether, in view of the inconvenience resulting in many cases from their not doing so, he would request the Commissioners of 1445 National Education to send the warrants direct to the teachers in the future.
§ MR. BIRRELLThe Commissioners of National Education inform me that the grants towards the salaries of national school teachers are sent to the local managers, because they are the persons who are charged with the direct government of the schools and who appoint and remove the teachers. The Commissioners tell me that they do not consider it necessary or desirable to alter the existing arrangements.
§ MR. SLOAN (Belfast, S.)Are we to take it the managers are the paymasters of the school teachers?
§ MR. BIRRELLIt is assumed that they supplement the salaries of the teachers which are transmitted to them.
§ MR. SLOANWill the Commissioners issue a circular urging the managers to pay over the salaries as soon as received?
§ MR. BIRRELLI have no control over the Commissioners, but I will communicate the hon. Member's suggestion to them.