HC Deb 26 February 1907 vol 169 cc1407-12

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury, whether he will grant a Return for the financial year ended 31st March, 1906, relating to each article on which Customs or Excise duty is payable, as the case maybe, showing the net amount of Excise Revenue collected in Ireland in respect of each of such articles; the net amount of Customs duty collected in Ireland in respect of each of such articles; the net amount of Excise Revenue collected in Great Britain in

quarters to carry out local tests of various accounts in the different parts of the country, including, of course, Ireland.

respect of each of such articles imported into Ireland; the net amount of Customs duty collected in Great Britain in respect of each of such articles imported into Ireland; the net amount of Excise Revenue collected in Ireland in respect of each of such articles exported to Great Britain; and the net amount of Customs duty collected in Ireland in respect of each of such articles exported to Great Britain.

(Answered by Mr. Runciman.) The subjoined Table gives the statistics relating to Excise for which the hon. Member asks. Figures are also given of the net amount of duty collected in Ireland on each article liable to Customs duty during the last financial year, but the further particulars as to Customs duties for which the hon. Member asks cannot be given in detail, as the movements between Great Britain and Ireland of goods, other than spirits, on which Customs duties have been paid are not recorded.

Excise Revenue, 1905–6.
Statement showing:—
(1) The Net Amount of Excise Revenue collected in Ireland.
(2) The Net Amount of Excise Revenue collected in Great Britain in respect of exciseable Articles imported into Ireland; and
(3) The Net Amount of Excise Revenue collected in Ireland in respect of exciseable Articles exported to Great Britain.
Articles upon which Excise Duty is payable in Ireland. Net Amount of Excise Revenue collected in Ireland upon each of the Articles in the previous column. Net Amount of Excise Revenue collected in Great Britain in respect of each of such Articles imported into Ireland. Net Amount of Excise Revenue collected in Ireland in respect of each of such Articles exported to Great Britain. Remarks.
£ £ £
British spirits 4,025,605 35,000* 2,072,000* * Based upon the permit Returns of removals of duty-paid spirits.
Beer 1,265,220 53,000† 366,000† †Based upon the statistics of transit of beer between Great Britain and Ireland in the year 1903–4.
Licences 214,247
Home-grown tobacco 736
Coffee-mixture labels 2
Warehouses, &c., charges 60
Total 5,505,870 88,000 2,438,000

The hon. Member will find, however, on page 12 of House of Commons Paper, No. 256, of 1906, the corrections applicable to the receipts in Ireland under the chief heads of Customs Revenue in order to arrive at the true Revenue contributed by Ireland. These corrections are based on the results of a special inquiry into the movements of duty-paid articles to and fro between the two countries in the year 1903–4.

A Statement of the Net Customs Revenue collected in Ireland on each article subject to Customs Duty in the year ended 31st March, 1906.
Articles. Revenue (Net Receipt).
£ £
Beer, Foreign:—
Exchequer Revenue 2,970
Local Taxation Revenue 96
Cards, playing 1
Chicory 1
Chocolate confectionery 1
Cocoa 1,445
Coffee 1,067
Fruit dried or preserved without sugar 8,854
Spirits Foreign and Colonial:—
Exchequer Revenue 328,270
Local Taxation Revenue 14,959
Sugar, including saccharine 209,709
Tea 380,591
Tobacco 1,497,971
Wine 75,507
Coal exported 34
Total net receipt 2,521,476
For the Exchequer 2,506,421
For the Local Taxation Accounts 15,055
Note.—In addition to the amounts shown above various sums, amounting to £2,007, had been deposited in anticipation of duty payments, but were not, on the 31st March, 1906, finally appropriated to any particular article.