§ MR. LEAI beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that a discovery of smuggling on a large scale has been made at Tullamore, and that in consequence large quantities of illicitly obtained spirits have been sold throughout London and the provinces which have not paid duty to the Exchequer; whether the parties concerned have been merely fined by the Inland Revenue authorities without publicity and not brought to trial; what was the amount of the fine; what was the nature of the offence committed; and if this procedure is to be taken as a precedent when smuggling on a sufficiently large scale again takes place in this country.
§ MR. ASQUITHThe Board of Inland Revenue are in possession of evidence that suggests irregularities on a somewhat extensive scale in connection with dealings in spirits at Tullamore. Proceedings have in consequence been instituted and the whole matter will be investigated in a Court of Law. Meanwhile discussion 549 of the subject cannot properly be admitted.