§ The following Papers, presented by His Majesty's Command during the Recess, were delivered to the Librarian of the House of Commons during the Recess, pursuant to the Standing Order of the 14th August 1896:—
- 1. Trade Reports (Annual Series).—Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Re ports, Annual Series, Nos. 3739 to 3743.
- 2. Trade Reports (Miscellaneous Series).—Copy of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous Series, No. 656.
- 3. Africa (No. 2, 1906).—Copy of Despatch from His Majesty's Minister at Brussels, transmitting Convention respecting Liquors in Africa. Signed at Brussels, 3rd November, 1906.
- 4. International Sugar Commission (Commercial, No. 1, 1907).—Copy of Report of Proceedings of the International Sugar Commission, Autumn Session, 1906.
- 5. Treaty Series (No. 1, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom, France, and Italy respecting Abyssinia. Signed at London, 13th December 1906.
- 6. Treaty Series (No. 2, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom, France, and Italy respecting the Importation of Arms and Ammunition into Abyssinia. Signed at London, 13th December 1906.
- 7. Treaty Series (No. 3, 1907).—Copyof Convention between the United Kingdom and France concerning the New Hebrides. Signed at London, 20th October 1906, Ratifications exchanged at London, 9th January 1907.
- 8. Treaty Series (No. 4, 1907).—Copy of General Act of the International Conference at Algeciras relating to the Affairs of Morocco. 7th April 1906. Ratifications deposited at Madrid, 31st December 1906.
- 9. Treaty Series (No. 5, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and France relative to the Frontier between the British and French Possessions from the Gulf of Guinea to the Niger. 19th October 1906.
- 10. Colonial Reports (Annual).—Copies of Reports Nos. 513 (Basutoland, Report for 1905–6), 514 (British Guiana, Report for 1905–6), 515 (British Honduras, Annual Report for 1905), 516 (Northern Nigeria, Report for 1905–6), 517 (Bechuanaland Protectorate, Report for 1905–6).
- 11. Colonial Reports (Miscellaneous).—Copy of Report No. 39 (Jamaica (Cayman Islands), Report on the Cayman Islands).
- 12. Tropical Diseases Research Fund.—Copy of Report of the Advisory Committee for the Tropical Diseases Research Fund for the year 1906.
- 13. Australasia.—Copy of Correspondence relating to the Convention with France, dated 20th October 1906, respecting the New Hebrides.
- 14. Straits Settlements.—Copy of Return of the Amount of Opium consumed and the Revenue derived there from in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States during the years 1896 to 1905.
- 15. Western Pacific.—Copy of Report on the Trade of the New Hebrides for 1905.
- 16. Malta.—Copy of Further Correspondence relating to the holding of Protestant Mission Services at the Theatre Royal, Malta.
- 17. Factories and Workshops.—Copy of Supplement to the Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1905. Return of Persons employed in 1904 in Work shops and Laundries.
- 18. Factory and Workshops Acts (Industrial Poisoning and Fatal Accidents).—Copy of preliminary Tables (subject to correction) of cases of Industrial Poisoning and Fatal Accidents in Factories, Workshops, etc., during the year 1906.
- 19. Tuberculosis (Human and Bovine) (Royal Commission).—Copy of Second Interim Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the relations of Human and Animal Tuberculosis.
- 20. Trinity College, Dublin, and the University of Dublin (Royal Commission).—Copy of Final Report of the Commissioners, with Appendix (Report, Minutes of Evidence, and Documents).
- 21. Vivisection (Royal Commission).—Copy of First Report of the Commissioners and Minutes of Evidence. October to December 1906.
- 22. Congestion in Ireland (Royal Commission).—Copy of Second Report of the Commissioners, with Appendix (Report, Minutes of Evidence, and Documents relating thereto).
- 23. Judicial Statistics (England and Wales).—Copy of Judicial Statistics, Part I., relating to Criminal Proceedings, Police, Coroners, Prisons, Reformatory and Industrial Schools, and Criminal Lunatics for England and Wales for 1905.
- 24. Aliens Act, 1905.—Copy of Return of Alien Passengers brought to the United Kingdom from Ports in Europe or within the Mediterranean Sea during the three months ending 31st December 1906, together with the number of Expulsion Orders made during that period requiring Aliens to leave the United Kingdom.
- 25. Naval Manœuvres.—Copy of Report of the Naval Manœuvres of 1906.
- 26. Navy (Battle Practice).—Copy of Result of Battle Practice in His Majesty's Fleet, 1906.
- 27. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries (Distribution of Giants).—Copy of Annual Report on the Distribution of Grants for Agricultural Education and Research in the year 1905–6, etc.
- 28. Statistical Abstract (British Empire),—Copy of Statistical Abstract for the British Empire in each year from 1891 to 1905. Third Number.
- 29. Railway Servants (Hours of Labour),—Copy of Return, in pursuance of Section 4 of the Regulation of Railways Act,1889, of Railway Servants of certain classes who were on one or more occasions during the month of July 1906 on duty on the Railways of the United Kingdom for more than twelve hours at a time; or who, after being on duty more than twelve hours, were allowed to resume work with less than nine hours rest.
- 30. Railway Accidents,—Copy of Returns of Accidents and Casualties as reported to the Board of Trade by the several Railway Companies in the United Kingdom during the three months ended 30th September 1906, together with Reports of the Inspecting Officers of the Railway Department to the Board of Trade upon certain Accidents which were inquired into.
- 31. Board of Education,—Copy of List of Evening Schools under the administration of the Board of Education for the school year ending 31st July 1905.
- 32. Board of Education,—Copy of Report of Public Inquiry (Section 23 (10), Education Act, 1902) in respect of the proposed provision of a new Public Elementary School in the Parish of Llanasa, Administrative County of Flint.
- 33. Education Rates,—Copy of Report of the Departmental Committee on Education Rates, together with Appendices.
- 34. Royal Irish Constabulary (Pensions),—Copy of Return showing the names of all Constabulary Officers now in receipt of Pensions, of all Head Constables, Sergeants, and Constables, and of all Widows and children to whom pensions have been granted since the Constabulary Estimate for 1906–7 was prepared, with the amount and date of Pension in each case.
- 35. Fisheries (Ireland),—Copy of Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for 1904. Part II. Scientific Investigations.
- 36. Irish Land Commission (Proceedings),—Copy of Return of Proceedings of the Irish Land Commission during the month of November 1906.
- 37. Irish Land Commission,—Copy of Return of Advances made under The Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of May 1906.
- 38. Royal University of Ireland,—Copy of Royal Warrant, dated 10th September 1906, amending the Statutes of the University.
- 39. Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887 (Eviction Notices),—Copy of Return of Eviction Notices filed during the quarter ended 31st December 1906.
- 40. Evictions (Ireland),—Copy of Return of Evictions in Ireland for the quarter ended 31st December 1906.
§ Ordered, That the said Papers do lie upon the Table.