§ SIR GILBERT PARKER (Gravesend)To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will give the list of 381 representations and petitions from public and private bodies throughout the Empire upon the Sugar Convention which have arrived since the previous petitions and representations were published.
(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) Since the publication of Cd. 3565, representations have been received from the following:—Invercargill (New Zealand) Chamber of Commerce; Newcastle (New South Wales) Chamber of Commerce; Nevis Agricultural and Commercial Society; Cairns (North Queensland) Chamber of Commerce; Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture (Telegraphic report printed in Cd. 3565); Legislative Council of Jamaica; Jamaica Agricultural Society; Council of Royal Jamaica Society of Agriculture and Commerce and Merchants' Exchange; Northside Sugar Planters' Association; Townsville Chamber of Commerce, Queensland; Barbados Agricultural Society; Barbados House of Assembly; Australian Sugar Producers' Association. The representation from the last-named Association has been received since the date on which the former Question of the hon. Member on this subject was answered.