§ MR. J. MACVEAGHTo ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can explain why the Lough Neagh fisheries, the produce of which goes directly to the support of a community of at least 3,000 people, are not represented on the advisory committee to the fishery authority; and whether, in case of any changes being made by the Department, he will have this state of affairs remedied for the benefit of Lough Neagh.
(Answered by Mr. T. W. Russell.) The intention of the Department in forming their advisory committee on fisheries was, I am informed, that the committee should be composed of gentlemen generally experienced in fishery matters, and who, instead of advocating particular interests, would look upon the whole Irish fisheries as a national asset and deal with questions submitted to them from that point of view. The Department consider that it would be advisable to adhere to that basis of selection. But I am of opinion that, even under such a scheme, the claims of Lough Neagh district should be considered in any rearrangement that may take place.