HC Deb 07 August 1907 vol 180 c74
MR. SOAMES (Norfolk, S.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the inconvenience frequently caused to the public by the small stock of postal orders kept at sub-offices in country districts; whether he is aware that a purchaser is frequently obliged to make up the amount that he requires by taking two postal orders instead of one, thus paying double commission; and whether he can see his way to allow a larger stock of postal orders to be kept in such sub-offices in the future.


My right hon. friend's attention has not been specially called to this matter, but complaints are occasionally received of the inconvenience occasioned by the stock of postal orders kept at a small office being insufficient to meet the requirements of the public in the neighbourhood, and arrangements are always made to increase the stock, if necessary. In such circumstances, when a purchaser is obliged to take two postal orders instead of one to make up the amount that is required, it is the rule that commission shall be charged not on two orders, but as though the order actually required had been issued. If the hon. Member will furnish my right hon. friend with the particulars of any case in which this practice has not been followed he will have inquiry made in the matter.