HC Deb 06 August 1907 vol 179 cc1841-2

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that negotiations for sale and purchase have been commenced between the governors of the Erasmus Smith property around Pallasgrean and Doon, and the tenants thereon; and will he ask the Estates Commissioners to put themselves into communication with the Messrs. Sanders, of Charleville, county Cork, agents to the estate, with a view to the restoration of the evicted tenants thereon, viz., John Harty, Lisheen, Timothy Burke, of Gurranebeg, and Joseph Ryan, of Knockderk.


The Estates Commissioners understand that negotiations are in progress for the sale of this estate under the Act of 1903. When the matter conies before the Commissioners the applications of the persons named in the Question will be duly considered.