HC Deb 06 August 1907 vol 179 cc1844-5

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury why the retired allowances, &c., to members of Her late Majesty's household, granted under 1 Edw. 7,c. 4, amounting to £18,184 7s. 6d., are all shown en bloc on page 53 of the Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the year ended 31st March, 1907, and not specified as in the case of pensions granted under 1 and 2 Vic, c. 95, to persons formerly on the Civil List of George IV. and William IV.; and will he give the names and ages of each pensioner, stating also what was the office formerly hold by each, its duties, and their length of service to the late Queen.


The pensions which still survive from the Civil Lists of King George IV. and King William IV. are shown in detail in the Finance Accounts, I believe, because they are few in number and possess a certain historic interest,. But the pensions payable to members of Her late Majesty's Household are about 240 in number. They are mostly small sums payable to persons who held very subordinate positions. I do not think that any useful purpose would be served by publishing the details asked for, which are not all in the possession of the Treasury. But I may refer the hon. Member to Section 7 of the Civil List Act, 1901, which provides for these pensions being charged on the Consolidated Fund.


May I ask what steps the Treasury have taken to ascertain the ages of these pensioners and the services they rendered to William IV. and George IV? Are the pensioners the persons who rendered the original services?


I think the ages are known. As is usual in such cases they are very great.