*MR. CATHCART WASONI beg to ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the fact that the King of Norway has a moral and legal claim on the Shetland Isles, and that the people of the islands are menaced with starvation owing to the failure of the herring fishing, said to be caused by the destruction of whales, that for several years past His Majesty's Government have been unable to assist them, and that the herring are found further and further from the land as the whales are slaughtered, he will consider if the material well-being of the Shetlanders would be better under Norwegian than British rule.
§ SIR H. CAMPBELL-BANNERMANI hardly imagine that this Question can be seriously intended.
*MR. CATHCART WASONI can assure the right hon. Gentleman that it is seriously intended. I should like further to ask the right hon. Gentleman 1563 if it is not the case that if the spirit of the people had not been ground between the upper and the nether millstones of Scottish Land Laws and Scottish tyranny they would have protected themselves as the Norwegians did?
§ *MR. SPEAKEROrder, order! Notice must be given of that Question.