DR. RUTHERFORD (Middlesex, Brentford)To ask the Secretary of State for India, what action has been taken by the Government in regard to a deputation of the Royal College of Physicians, in May, 1905, to the Secretary of State for India, pointing out the danger of the plague and recommending certain measures to be taken; and will he lay upon the Table the Memorandum of the College of Physicians.
§ (Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) Some delay, which I regret, has occurred in this matter. The Memorandum reached India at a time when the Government of India had called for and were awaiting Reports by the local governments on the subject of plague remedies, based on the personal experience of their officers. These Reports, which are very voluminous, were dealt with in a published resolution by the Government of India of the 17th January, 1906, laying down in detail a complete policy for dealing with plague. This policy in its preventive features is in practical accordance with the Memorandum of the Royal College of Physicians. The Government of India have since considered, in communication with the local governments, the recommendations of the Memorandum for a special medical organisation for dealing with plague. Their scheme has not yet been definitely formulated, but I understand that the sanitary service will be strengthened by employing a large number of qualified Natives of India. I shall be happy to 500 lay the Memorandum upon the Table if my hon. friend will move for it.