HC Deb 25 April 1907 vol 173 c235
MR. ARKWRIGHT (Hereford)

To; ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that on the 4th instant two patrols of police from Ballinageeragh were attacked by a crowd in the course of their duty of serving summonses in a case where a woman had been assaulted for serving the police with milk; whether the Constable Conboy is still detained in Macroom Hospital on account of injuries then received; whether the justices of the peace adjourned the case against the persons accused of this assault and released them on bail; and whether he has received the protests of the district inspector and the resident magistrate.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) I am informed that the facts are substantially as stated. The accused were brought before local magistrates, who remanded them on bail to petty sessions on 19th instant. They duly appeared at the sessions and were returned for trial at the next assizes. No protests have been made by the district inspector and resident magistrate.